Copa gay bar fort lauderdale

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So as proof of how backward and outdated it is to raid a gay-cruising spot in 2018, here's a rundown of a bunch of times in the past when Miami-area law-enforcement officials have been accused of harassing gay people or LGBTQ+ hangouts:ġ. Thankfully, the Miami Herald edited its original story after New Times complained, but other TV outlets are still smearing the 13 men. Unfortunately, Miami's media outlets made the whole thing worse by uncritically publishing the arrestees' names, ages, hometowns, and mug shots at the end of last week. Thanks to Hollywood PD, 13 men will likely be harassed or retaliated against by their families or employers simply for consensually enjoying themselves at a gay-cruising destination. This past Thursday, Hollywood cops arrested 13 men for masturbating and having consensual oral sex in a secluded, private room - hardly the sort of police work that makes locals safer. Hollywood Police have now raided the same adult store twice in a single year.

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