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Period bio of a Spanish soldier and mercenary during the 16th-century wars in Flanders.

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Some worthless idiot gets so drunk he cannot remember his bachelor party, then several strange oddballs he had met during that Las Vegas weekend start turning up just before his wedding.Īlatriste V.Mortensen, G.G.Bernal, E.Anaya Holocaust drama about a former circus entertainer who is spared the gas chamber but forced to entertain thousands of Jews as they are marched to their deaths. Romantic ensemble comedy following two New York couples, one straight and one gay. She successfully tracks down her alleged husband, but can't control what happens next. When his ruse is discovered, he must scramble to clean up the mess.Īn engaged woman finds out that she's already hitched when she tries to register for a marriage license. An underachieving high school student invents a fake university that accepts him as a student to get his parents off his back about college.

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